I am a stay-at-home mom of 3.  We started homeschooling this year with our oldest and as much as we don’t know exactly what we’re doing, we know we like it, she’s learning, and more importantly we know WHAT she is learning.  Our two-year old is “potty training” and I expect that for a while you will hear many a post ranting about the joys of folex for cleaning carpets.  The “baby” is turning one, and seconds away from walking…in fact he may be walking by the time this page is published…or at least when he wakes up.

I am a knitter, writer (horrible speller) and if anyone wants to compose a score for an origional musical (not joking) shoot me a message.

I worked in day care while getting a degree in Criminology, and then worked for two years at a behavioral rehabilitation camp for boys ages 12-17 before moving back home to Washington State.

My wonderful, adoring, brilliant, best friend and I have been married for a few years now, and have decided that three kids are not enough…

we need chickens too.
